Dog Walking Agreement

The client is required to complete a dog walking registration form containing essential information and provide accurate details on any medical conditions or special requirements that may affect Lydiard Paws’ responsibilities. Lydiard Paws is accountable for fulfilling the reasonable duties indicated on the dog walking registration form with a professional and compassionate demeanour, adhering to all regulations. Lydiard Paws must also inform the client of any incidents that may affect the health and well-being of the dog. It is the responsibility of the client to ensure that their dog(s) wear a collar and tag and are provided with leads/harnesses and muzzles if necessary. Regarding liability, the client must indemnify Lydiard Paws for any costs and damages arising from any claims from individuals or animals who suffer injuries or death caused by the client’s dog. Lydiard Paws shall take all reasonable measures to prevent dogs from being lost or stolen while in its care. If a dog is lost or stolen, Lydiard Paws shall notify the owner immediately and take all reasonable steps to locate the missing dog. Any associated costs, including but not limited to veterinary bills, transportation costs, and reward fees, shall be the responsibility of the owner.

Off-Lead Consent Form

Unless otherwise agreed, your dog will be exercised on a harness or collar and a soft lead. Where a client is happy that their dog is allowed to run free off the lead, they must be willing to sign an Off-Lead Consent Form, under which the client agrees to accept responsibility for accident, injury or loss, caused by or to their dog.


Dog Walking services are priced at £10 for a 30-minute walk and £13 for a 60-minute walk. Clients are required to make payments weekly. Accepted payment methods include cash and bank transfers. Clients will receive invoices at the beginning of each week for the upcoming week’s services. Payment is due by the end of each week for services rendered during that week. Late payments may result in a late fee, and services may be suspended until the outstanding balance is settled.


If a medical emergency arises for the dog, Lydiard Paws will make every effort to contact the client and their emergency contact at the phone numbers on the registration form to determine the client’s preferred course of action. Where time is of the essence, the client authorizes Lydiard Paws to seek medical services at the veterinary practice listed on the registration form or seek on-site treatment from a veterinarian. The client agrees to reimburse for all services rendered by a veterinarian.

Introductory Meeting

Clients agree to an introductory meeting to allow us to meet the dog(s) and discuss aspects of care. This meeting will usually take place at the client’s home and is provided free of charge.

Cancellation Policy

Clients must provide a minimum of 48 hours’ notice for cancellations or rescheduling. Late cancellations (less than 48 hours’ notice) may result in the client’s service being discontinued if it occurs more than twice. If Lydiard Paws needs to cancel a booking for any reason, it shall provide written notice to the client as soon as possible. Lydiard Paws shall offer a full refund of any fees paid by the client or provide alternative arrangements for the dog’s care. Lydiard Paws shall not be liable for any additional costs or damages incurred by the client as a result of the cancellation.